Fiscal Policy and Debt Management with Incomplete Markets (joint with David Evans, Mikhail Golosov and Thomas Sargent) [pdf]  Quarterly Journal of Economics

Public Debt in Economies with Heterogeneous Agents (joint with David Evans, Mikhail Golosov and Thomas Sargent) [pdf]  Journal of Monetary Economics

What Do Survey Data Tell Us about U.S. Businesses? (with Serdar Birinci , Ellen McGrattan and Kurt See) [pdf], online data appendix [pdf] and replication files [code] American Economic Rreview Insights. A Response to Bricker, Moore, and Volz 2022 [pdf]

Inequality, Business Cycles and Monetary-Fiscal- Policy (joint with David Evans, Mikhail Golosov and Thomas Sargent)[pdf]   Econometrica

Asset Pricing with Endogenously Uninsurable Tail Risks (joint with Hengjie Ai) [paper]  Econometrica

Sweat Equity in U.S. Private Business (with Ellen McGrattan) [pdf], online appendix [pdf], and replication files [code] Quarterly Journal of Economics

Survey Data and Subjective Beliefs in Business Cycle Models  (joint with Jaroslav Borovicka and Paul Ho) [pdf Review of Economic Studies

Efficiency, Insurance, and Redistribution Effects of Government Policies (joint with David Evans, Mikhail Golosov, and Thomas Sargent) [pdf] Revision requested at the Journal of Political Economy

Managing Public Portfolios (joint with Léo Aparisi de Lannoy, David Evans, Mikhail Golosov and Thomas Sargent)[pdf]. Older version with additional results [pdf] Accepted at the Journal of Political Economy

On the Nature of Entrepreneurship (with Ellen McGrattan, Tobey Kass, Thomas May, Evan Schulz)
SOI Working Papers, Internal Revenue Service [pdf] Accepted at the Journal of Political Economy

A Perturbational Approach for Approximating Heterogeneous-Agent Models (joint with Thomas Bourany, David Evans, and Mikhail Golosov) [pdf] [slides][code]

Capital Reallocation and Private Firm Dynamics (joint with Paolo Martellini and Ellen McGrattan) [pdf][slides]

Robust Bounds on Optimal Tax Progressivity (with Jaroslav Borovicka and Yuki Yao) [pdf][slides]

Approximating Transition Dynamics with Discrete Choice (with David Evans and Ellen McGrattan) [pdf] [slides]

Business Income Underreporting and Public Finance (with David Evans, Ellen McGrattan, and Yuki Yao) [pdf] [hhei roundtable slides]

Risks and Asset Prices in a Monetary Model (with David Evans, Mikhail Golosov) [pdf]

Capital Misallocation and Risk Sharing (joint with Hengjie Ai, Yuchen Chen, Chao Ying) [pdf]

Doubts, Asymmetries, and Insurance [pdf][slides]

Practicing Dynare (joint with Francisco Barillas, Saki Bigio, Riccardo Colacito, Sagiri Kitao, Christian Matthes, Thomas Sargent and Yongseok Shin) [pdf]

Reverse Engineering Heterogeneous Beliefs [pdf]